Boaties’ Tales is a collection of weird, wonderful and often hilarious stories about man’s obsession with staying afloat – whether it’s aboard a yacht, supertanker, fishing trawler or in the humble dinghy.
Author and veteran journalist Peter Jessup shares a lifetime of boating yarns from New Zealand, where he lives, and afar.
Learn about the worst (and most unusual) shipping disasters; the world’s fastest, biggest and most expensive boats, and enjoy some stories that will simply make you laugh.
They say the happiest two days of a boat-owner’s life are the days he (or she) buys a boat – and the day they sell it.
This collection of stories reminds us all why that’s the case!
What the reviewers say
‘Every boatie should get their hands on this gem.’ – Kerry Hebberley, Hawkes Bay Weekend.
‘Stories that will make you laugh and others that will shock and surprise.’ – Hawkes Bay Today.
This is the companion edition to Jessup’s book Fishermen’s Tales.
Both books are available as ebooks and as hardback print editions.

About the author
The late Peter Jessup was a prolific writer about sport, fishing and history for more than 30 years.
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ISBN: 978-0-9922556-8-8
ebook format
RRP NZ$5.99″ panel_color=”enigma_panel-blue”/]