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Our next ‘How to Get Published’ workshop planned for November 16, 2024

Want to get your book published but don’t know where to start?

Hurricane Press publisher Josh Easby (left) has been leading one-day workshops since 2012 to demystify the publishing process, helping writers (and would-be writers) understand their options. These include seeking a traditional publisher or self-publishing their work.

The next workshop is set for Saturday, November 16, 2024, as part of the Waikato Adult Community Education programme at Hamilton’s Fraser High. It will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and costs $79.

Click here for details of the workshop and to register online >>>>

Click here to read about the results of our workshops >>>>

Memoir provides insight into life of a career nurse

After a career working in the New Zealand health system, a retired nurse wanted to share what it’s really like in the corridors and wards of our hospitals and care facilities.

Ann Nurse — a pen name created to protect the privacy of patients and former colleagues — has written a moving account of day-to-day nursing in her memoir, In My Day.

It’s available as an e-book and as a 354-page paperback.

Click here for full story >>>>

How we’ve helped a writer become a publisher

Aucklander Steven Bayley has become a novelist and publisher at the same time, thanks to a dark-but-fun thriller and a helping hand from Hurricane Press.

Bayley has established his own publishing house, BC Publishing, with some coaching from Hurricane Press, and has launched his satirical Kindle ebook Panic Slowly: A Tomato Soup-Soaked Pandemic Thriller.

The story is what is says on the (soup) tin — a 300+ page thriller about a variant of a virus that threatens our species.

Click here for full story >>>>

Three–volume collector’s edition retells speeches from our history

Painstaking research and collaboration by four writers has produced a comprehensive record of almost 100 significant speeches that help tell the story of New Zealand’s history.

The speeches are brought to life in Speeches that Shaped New Zealand (1814–2019), a three–volume set neatly packaged in a presentation box.

Authors Hugh Templeton, Ian Templeton, Josh Easby and Dave Leggett have unearthed copies of speeches from the 19th century to contemporary New Zealand.

Hurricane Press has published the collection. David Bateman Ltd is managing the trade distribution for the title.

Click here for more about the collector’s edition >>>>

History book gets update for 2022 ebook and paperback editions

Though author Peter Jessup died in 2018, Hurricane Press is committed to keeping his short history of New Zealand up-to-date and available to those who want our nation’s story in a nutshell.

The Complete History of New Zealand (in less than two hours) does exactly what it says in the title – it provides a 19,000-word narrative you can read in the same time it takes to watch a movie.

It’s ideal for visitors to New Zealand who want a quick summary of our history, or for students looking for a quick refresher.

Our editors check Jessup’s volume each year to update key facts and events, ensuring the book remains relevant.

The 2022 editions (ebook and paperback) are now available at Amazon.

Click here for details of the ebook >>>>

Click here for details of the paperback edition >>>>

Workshop inspires dozens of authors to get published

New Zealand’s bookshelves have been graced by more than a hundred books published as a result of Fraser High School’s adult community education programme.

Dozens of successful Waikato authors have attended one-day workshops – called How to Get Published – since they began 10 years ago.

Hurricane Press publisher Josh Easby leads the workshops – usually two or three a year – on Saturdays, enabling attendees to immerse themselves in the subject in a single workshop. They are held at Hamilton’s Fraser High School.

Click here for full story >>>>

Debut book sells out in less than a month, prompting a second edition

A Cambridge author’s first book about her relationship with food and eating disorders has sold out within a month of its launch, sparking a reprint to meet demand.

Poppy Worton’s 374-page paperback, The Tale of Poppy and Ed, is an intimate and searingly honest story told with humour.

Hurricane Press helped the author self-publish the book which was printed by Hamilton’s The Print House.

Click here for more about the book >>>>


At last – a guide to cybersecurity for business owners

Auckland IT specialist Daniel Watson has compiled a user-friendly guide to help New Zealand businesses understand the need for cybersecurity.

Published by Daniel Watson’s company Vertech IT Services, the book was formatted by Hurricane Press for publication as an ebook and as a paperback edition.

Click here for more about the ebook edition of She’ll Be Right (Not!): A Cybersecurity Guide for Kiwi Business Owners >>>>

Click here for more about the ebook edition of She’ll Be Right (Not!): A Cybersecurity Guide for Kiwi Business Owners >>>>

Digital edition of New Zealand forest restoration book goes international

Hurricane Press has helped publish a digital edition of The Forest for the Trees, a 128-page guide to the ecological restoration of native forest and wetlands in Waikato, New Zealand.

The book, by Wayne Bennett, focuses on the use of eco-sourced native trees shrubs and other plants in his superbly illustrated publication.

Bennett has published the book through his consultancy business, Forest Flora NZ, and it is available at no cost on the digital platform issuu.com.

This makes the book available globally and accessible to anyone with access to the internet and any device – a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Read it now

Click here for more information about The Forest for the Trees

Click here for more about Forest Flora NZ

Updated paperback edition of Stranger Than Fiction now available

Hurricane Press has published a revised and updated paperback edition of Mike Chunn’s wonderful Stranger Than Fiction, his personal story about New Zealand band Split Enz.

The 322-page paperback edition is available worldwide through Amazon, who also distribute an e-book version.

For more information, see Stranger Than Fiction (paperback edition) at Amazon >>>>

Our concerts book becomes a collector’s item with rock bands

Our coffee table book LIVE: Gigs that rocked New Zealand has been a big hit with music fans but it’s also becoming a collector’s item for rock bands.

Members of the band Cheap Trick — whose 1979 New Zealand concert features in the book — returned Down Under for an Australian tour in late 2018.

Guitarist Rick Nielsen was presented with a copy of LIVE by the US Ambassador to New Zealand, Scott Brown, who is also a fan of the collection of images and stories recalling half a century of concerts.

Wellington architect and musician Bruce Sedcole loves the book and has bought many copies to give to friends, including ambassador Brown. He’s now sending copies to Nielsen’s Cheap Trick bandmates, all of whom have enjoyed reading it.

Click here for more about LIVE: Gigs that rocked New Zealand